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How to make a many to online

Make money from home. Bloggingcan be quite lucrative if done correctly. The top bloggers in the world obviously earn quite a bit, but even a part-time blogger can expect to make a nice profit if things are done correctly. The best part about it is that blogging is a form of passive income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing a blog post and then continue to make money from it long after the blog post is written. I go into much more detail on how to blog for money later in this guide.

Share your story. A blog allows you to have a voice and be heard. You can share your story with the entire world if you so choose. One of the most common ways blogs are used are as a diary where the blogger writes about their daily experiences so that friends, family, and others can all be a part of their lives. Recognition for yourself or your business. No, you probably won’t have paparazzi following you around because of your latest blog post. But a successful blog can gain you a ton of recognition in your respective field. Many bloggers are known as experts just because of their blogs, and some have even gotten book and movie deals based on their blogs

I am not ashamed to admit that when I was first learning how to build a blog I made a ton of mistakes. You can benefit from more than a decade of my experience so that you don’t repeat these same mistakes when you make your own blog. I created this free guide so that anyone can learn how to blog quickly and easily. And if you get stuck at any point, please send me a message and I will do my best to help you! Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most blogs also have a “comments” section where readers can correspond with the blogger. Interacting with your readers in the comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger and the reader.
While the first crucial step to getting your blog started today is registering your domain name and setting up hosting (get 65% off your domain and hosting right here from Bluehost), my free course breaks the entire process of starting a blog and actually growing it, down into an incredibly simple 7-day process for going from zero to publishing (and promoting) your first blog post in less than 1 week. I can't recommend it enough. Next, I've broken this guide down into ten distinct sections that'll guide you through the process to starting your blog today and getting to your first published post within a matter of hours. Each of the ten steps (menu items) below are clickable and will take you immediately to the section of this guide that you click on.
So now you have 15 reasons why you should start a blog, and we've shown you how to create a blog, step-by-step, based on our personal experience. But after giving you those detailed instructions, which could save you the hundreds of hours of wasted time, we also want to give you some good reasons why you should not start a blog. (Keep in mind that these reasons are just our opinions, and we do not pretend to offer them up as some sort of collection of empirical blogging maxims.) Money. You should not start a blog to make money. We need to get that out of the way first. If your primary objective is to replace your full-time income from blogging, forget about it. It doesn't work that way. Do you think that Jimi Hendrix picked up his first guitar so he could "supplement his income"? No, he didn't. Rather, he did it for the love of it, for the joy and fulfillment he received, and the income came thereafter, much later actually.

Choose a niche in which you can establish yourself as an authority. You probably won’t be the first person to blog about the topic you choose. Don’t fret about this, just come up with a unique angle. Do you have a reasonable chance of making your blog better than others talking about the same thing? Choose the plan you’d like to start with by clicking one of the green “select” buttons. I typically go with Plus or Prime (a.k.a. Choice Plus) because they’ve got more unlimited features. Plus, domain privacy is included with the Prime plan. (If you choose the Plus plan, you’ll have the option to add it later in the process for about $1 a month. Recommended.)
At its heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier. Writing about more than one topic is totally fine too. As long as you are writing about things that you are genuinely interested in, your passion will shine through and keep your readers interested. Make money from home. Blogging can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The top bloggers in the world obviously earn quite a bit, but even a part-time blogger can expect to make a nice profit if things are done correctly. The best part about it is that blogging is a form of passive income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing a blog post and then continue to make money from it long after the blog post is written. I go into much more detail on how to blog for money later in this guide.
Regina from By Regina, has written a great blog post about how to create a blogging business plan . And while you might not be maintaining a blog, this will still help you in your side hustle, because if you don't have some sort of plan in place, how will you know when it's time to quit your day job, expand your business and outsource your boring tasks to a VA? Thankfully, I have a dedicated office at home now, but when I first got started, I didn't. I struggled to get 'in the zone' after getting home from work and cracking open my laptop… until I cleared an area at the kitchen table for my little work space. From that moment forward, I was able to quickly get into the flow of my side hustle and things just went a lot easier.
Hi my name is Charlotte. I have always thought about starting a blog but I never really got around to it. Right now it is Winter break, so i was feeling bored and decided to create a blog. I went on Google and searched up how to create a blog, blah,blah,blah, when I stumbled upon a website called build your own blog. It was basically a seven step "tutorial" of sorts for dummies. I am completely new to this so the website was perfect for me. Unfortunately, I came to the realization that you had to create a website and then a blog on there. I wasn't exactly looking for that, I was looking for a website I could go on that was already made and blogthere. Then on the website there was a person you could talk to if you had any questions or needed help. His name was Matt and I asked him if he knew about any websites where I could type up blog posts. Luckily, Matt knew about Medium and referred me there. Now here I am folks, with my very first blog post.

Side note:  
How To Start A Blog FREE Course: With this free email course, I show you exactly how to create a blog, from the technical side (it’s easy – trust me!) all the way to earning your first income and attracting followers. Each day, for seven days, you will receive an email in your inbox that will help you create a successful and profitable blog, all from the very beginning. You can sign up here. I know you’ve heard this before on Making Sense of Cents, but this is a personal finance blog, so it’s very important to me. Whether you have student loan debt, credit card debt, car debt, or whatever else, paying it off will make managing your finances easier as you will have less debt to stress about.

Udacity offers the free course "Web Development: How to Build a Blog" for users who have some basic knowledge of computer science and would consider themselves intermediate. In six modules, the course teaches students how to create a blog from the ground up. Even though the prerequisites suggest some web development experience, even users who didn't have extensive experience say this course was informative and well-executed. During retirement, a blog could keep family and friends informed of new experiences and travels or serve as an educational or informative domain on a topic of interest. This course is on demand, so it can be completed at any time.
It might sound silly at first, but you don’t actually own your blog. It’s hosted on someone else’s web property and they can delete it if they want so. They have done so in the past, and keep doing it in the future. Which means all your hard work on your blog, all those countless hours of writing blog posts might be vanished within seconds. Sad… Creating your own blog can take a little while, probably up to 30 minutes. So grab yourself a coffee or juice (whatever you fancy) and let’s get stuck in. If you need any help during the set-up process, get in touch with me here and I’ll help as best I can and answer any questions you might have).

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